The seventh China International Import Expo , the world’s largest import expo, is just 200 days away from April 18.
The first batch of 252 companies and institutions to be present at the 7th China International Import Expo was unveiled.
Dublin-based auto technology supplier Aptiv will be among the first-time comers for the CIIE this year, according to the CIIE bureau, the organizer of the exhibition.
Dr. Simon Yang, President of Aptiv China and Asia Pacific, said, the CIIE is an excellent platform for all the companies to exchange, cooperate and share opportunities.
He added, Aptiv wish to enhance cooperations with Chinese companies through the CIIE.
This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and France. France has been invited to serve as the Guest Country of Honor for the 7th CIIE.
“As the largest healthcare company in France, we will continue to promote bilateral cooperation and innovation in healthcare industry, ” said Vivian Xiao, Vice President of Sanofi Greater China.
Xiao mentioned that Sanofi will exhibit several innovative products at the 7th CIIE.
According to the CIIE Bureau, more than 800 enterprises from over 60 countries and regions will participate in the event.
The 7th CIIE, which will be held in early November, is comprised of six exhibition areas like the previous editions, covering food and agricultural products, automobiles, intelligent industry and information technology, consumer goods, medical equipment and healthcare products, as well as trade in services. A special area for innovation and incubation will be set for this year's show.
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